Home Fun StuffTechnology 5 Steps to Safely Browse Online While on Public Wi-Fi

5 Steps to Safely Browse Online While on Public Wi-Fi

by TerriAnn
Technology | 5 steps to safely browse online. F-Secure Freedome VPN can protect you from phishing, malware, ads, and more on public Wi-Fi. Works on all mobile devices.


Once upon a time, I used to connect to open Wi-fi network while out and about. I would log-in and do everything I normally would when on my connection at home, all without a second though. It’s very different now.

Wi-Fi Connection Away from Home

After educating myself on the potential dangers of public Wi-Fi, I make sure my Freedome VPN is always running. I will check to see who’s around me, avoid giving anyone a clear view of my device’s screen, and am careful which sites I log into and which passwords are entered while online. There are some serious crazies out there and I do not want to fall victim to any malicious hacking attempts!

For almost two weeks straight, while I was traveling for work, I had Freedome VPN on pretty much all of the time. In fact, I had it running more often then than not. So, whether I was connecting to the airport, hotel, conference room, or venue Wi-Fi network, I was covered.

Technology | 5 steps to safely browse online. F-Secure Freedome VPN can protect you from phishing, malware, ads, and more on public Wi-Fi. Works on all mobile devices.

According to the app on my phone and laptop, Freedome VPN protected a combined 30 GB of data, 7500 tracking attempts, and 2 harmful sites in less than a one-month period. Impressive, right? I also didn’t have to deal with pesky pop-ups while browsing either! So far, so good with no reports of fraudulent activity or account log-ins.

Technology | 5 steps to safely browse online. F-Secure Freedome VPN can protect you from phishing, malware, ads, and more on public Wi-Fi. Works on all mobile devices.

5 Steps to Safely Browse Online While on Public Wi-Fi

Here are five tips for internet safety on public Wi-Fi that I follow and that might help you as well.

  1. Turn on Freedome VPN. Enter cttpc3 at security film for a 90-day free trial.
  2. Sit in at an angle so that no one is behind you and can easily see your screen. For extra protection, place a security film on your screen.
  3. Save your banking and other sensitive log-ins for when you’re on a secure connection.
  4. If possible, ask an employee for the official name of the venue’s Wi-Fi network.
  5. Beware of pop-ups that ask for your username and password. Close them out and go to the official site to log-in if needed.

Do you have any tips for getting online when you’re not at home?

This post is sponsored by F-Secure as part of a Whynotmom.com AllStar campaign. All opinions expressed are my own.

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