{"id":41824,"date":"2013-04-19T01:56:21","date_gmt":"2013-04-19T08:56:21","guid":{"rendered":"\/?p=41824"},"modified":"2014-11-11T09:34:43","modified_gmt":"2014-11-11T17:34:43","slug":"state-farm-neighborhood-assist","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.cookiesandclogs.com\/state-farm-neighborhood-assist\/","title":{"rendered":"State Farm Neighborhood Assist – Help Pick the Top 40 Causes To Get $25K"},"content":{"rendered":"

Vote for Top 40 Causes to Get $25,000 w\/ State Farm Neighborhood Assist, Partnered Post\u2026<\/h3>\n

Far, far too many are entirely focused on their own well-being and take for granted how fortunate they really are. That’s why, especially as a parent, it is extremely important to me that I teach my daughter the value of helping others. I was recently told about State Farm Neighborhood Assist<\/a>. This is a program in which 40 causes will receive a\u00a0$25,000 State Farm Neighborhood Assist grant to make their community a better place.<\/p>\n


People could submit causes related to education, youth outreach, help for low income, community beautification, etc. Out of 3,000 submissions, a youth-led advisory board narrowed it down to 200 finalists. Now they need your help to choose which causes will get the $25,000 grants.<\/p>\n

Forty-six states and Canadian provinces have causes in the top 200. The states with the most submissions in the top 200 were Illinois (15), California (14), Florida (13), Georgia (10) and New York (10).<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

From now until Sunday (April 22nd), you can cast up to ten votes each day. The top 40 causes with the most votes win. So, get in gear this weekend to raise support for the causes you value most. For me, many of these involved causes which focused on helping youths. Sometimes they just need a little boost to brighten their whole future. To get a complete list of the top 200 causes and to vote, visit the free State Farm Neighborhood Assist Facebook app<\/a>.<\/p>\n

You can see a few of the 2012 grant winners and get a better idea of the 2013 program in the video below:<\/p>\n