Home Fun StuffEntertainment Ant-Man Live Action Marvel Movie – A Surprise Favorite!!

Ant-Man Live Action Marvel Movie – A Surprise Favorite!!

by TerriAnn
Movies | Marvel's Ant-Man review 2015. Totally family-friendly and the most fun film from the studio yet with great acting by Paul Rudd!

Wow! I can’t believe that I haven’t written a review for Ant-Man yet. Whoops! The funny thing is, my whole family enjoyed the movie. I don’t mean that we just kind of liked it. It was REALLY, REALLY good! That’s saying a lot since we all entered the theater thinking it would be kind of lame based on initial teaser trailers (yes, we actually paid for this out of pocket 😛 ). The only reason we decided to watch Ant-Man was because that’s how Marvel works – all of their movies are connected in one way or another so no fan can miss even one film in the franchise. How relieved we were to find out how fun and clever the movie turned out to be!

An Honest Look at Ant-Man Review

Movies | Marvel's Ant-Man review 2015. Totally family-friendly and the most fun film from the studio yet with great acting by Paul Rudd!

Despite my initial reservations, the solid storyline was a pleasant surprise. It boils down to a father’s heart-warming (and wholesome) love for his daughter and what he will do to protect her. That may include some bad decisions along the way but never giving up in bettering yourself for her sake. Having a daughter and being one myself, I could relate to the various characters on so many levels.

The pacing of the story is perfect throughout and the humor is right on. This is probably the most light-hearted and fun film Marvel has made to date. Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas play off each other so naturally and the way filmmakers feature the ants just works. Who knew this was going to be so stinkin’ awesome?! The way perspective was used for dramatic effect and comic relief is genius. No spoilers but the train scene was epic and had me literally laughing out loud!

Movies | Marvel's Ant-Man review 2015. Totally family-friendly and the most fun film from the studio yet with great acting by Paul Rudd!

90% Family Friendly Action Film

Here’s the real kicker. Frans is usually against buying movies since it makes no sense to him to watch a movie over and over again. According to him, once you’ve seen it it’s done. BUT, the other day he walked in and said, “Can we buy Ant-Man?” Get out of town! That goes to show how special this film is. Plus, it’s totally kid-friendly. Well, except for the fighting part but, fortunately, that never gets gruesome or overly drawn-out. You kind of get the same feeling from this parody shown below.

Ant-man, as of now, is still in several theaters. If you’d like the latest info on how you can own the movie when it comes to Blu-ray and Digital HD, make sure to check out these links.

Have you seen Ant-Man yet?

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