Scholastic has recently re-released some of their top games as double packs, giving you more bang for your buck. My Amusement Park / Digging for Dinosaurs, 2-Game Pack
gives you two age-appropriate games for kids 5-8 for only $19.99.
Both games feature a different collection of mini-games and are accompanied by clear audio directions. The range of 5-8 is pretty much spot on and can be enjoyed by both girls and boys. While the gamplay is not terribly extensive, each game provides a few hours of entertainment. I wouldn’t recommend paying full price for these games individually but, as a double pack, it might be a nice addition for the young ones.
My Amusement Park
Kids can build and manage their own amusement park. Each ride, attraction, or restaurant will open a new mini-game. Children play these games and complete daily tasks to raise money. They then use that money to continue building their park. For each game, there are three levels of difficulty. There are eight basic games but graphics differ depending on the attraction. Games include matching, filling orders, repairing rides, etc. This provides quite a bit of fun but pretty much ends once they finish building all the available attractions.
Digging for Dinosaurs
Discover fossils and learn about the dinosaurs of the past. Children are encouraged to visit ‘dig sites’ around the world and unearth dinosaur fossils. After they clean them up and put them where they belong, they are given cards to collect. These will then unlock a new mini-game. Mini-games are played to collect points in the Hall of Dinosaurs, which are then used to visit new dig sites.
Again, the games fall into eight game types. These seem less monotonous as each game features a different dinosaur and their individual traits. Dinosaurs do ‘battle’ in a few games but they clash in classic boom/pow/bang style with no blood or gore. Games features mazes, pac-man type eating, protecting young, and flying from tree to tree. Even after unlocking all the content, children can continue to play the games and reference the dinosaur facts.
I love all the variety in the games! Gret for knocking off boredom!
And you know how kids are with boredom 😛
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