Home For Everyone Frito-Lay Tips and Chip/Dip Bowl

Frito-Lay Tips and Chip/Dip Bowl

by TerriAnn

‘Barbeque’ and ‘summer’ are two words that go hand-in-hand. They bring to mind ribs, potato salad, hamburgers, cake, and a lot of fattening foods. But picnics and cook-outs don’t have to be diet-killers.

I was a bit surprised when Frito-Lay contacted me with healthy summer tips. I forget that they are also the makers of Sun Chips, Tostitos, and the new Baked! lines which are all guilt-free snacks. I really enjoyed the suggestions they shared and thought you might as well.

1. Dips help you take in more veggies or replace the mayo/bbq sauce. They are also great with Lay’s Classic Potato Chips.
Combine the following and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes:

  • 1 cucumber, shredded
  • 1 cup nonfat, plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp garlic, minced
  • Salt to taste

2. Use whole grains (i.e. whole wheat buns). Tostitos Scoops! tortilla chips have 8 grams of whole grains and taste great with a homemade Chipotle Salsa. Combine the ingredients below and chill before serving:

  • ¼ cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped
  • 3 tbsp lime juice
  • 1 ½ tbsp chipotle chilies chopped
  • 1 ½ tsp ground cumin
  • 1 jar Tostitos® Salsa

3. Portion control. This is something we have been trying to apply and it has really helped keep our weight down. Use a smaller plate and fill it with 1/2 veggies, 1/4 whole grains, and 1/4 lean meat.

Eating better means feeling better. That all boils down to having more energy to spend on chasing after the kids!

Giveaway closed, winners announced here!


Frito-Lay wants one of my readers to enjoy their summer with a Raya Chip and Dip from Crate & Barrel, including some Sun Chips and Tostitos.

To enter (mandatory):
Tell me how you kept healthy this summer!

For additional entries leave a comment for each you do:

RT & #Win a Crate & Barrel Chip and Dip Bowl from Frito-Lay plus more @fritolay @cookiesandclogs Ends 9/5 #giveaway http://bit.ly/a25jS0

  • Follow me on Google Friend Connect
  • Comment on a non-giveaway post
  • Follow my blog on Networked Blogs
  • Vote for me at Top Mommy Blogs (daily)
  • Vote for me at Picket Fence Blogs (daily)

Giveaway ends 9/5/10 at 11:59 PST. Open to US residents only. Winners have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.

Disclosure: I was provided with a couple bags of Frito-Lay chips in connection with this post. The review presented here is 100% my honest opinion.

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Elsie August 20, 2010 - 10:08 am

Lots of water, lots of walking, lots of dogs and lots of
joking! the chips and bowl would be a great treat!

McKim August 20, 2010 - 10:22 am

I have completely cut out snacks between meals and have started walking a couple miles a day.

tess August 20, 2010 - 10:31 am

I cut back on sodas and sweets and i drink lots of water and when i eat snacks i only eat the SERVING
tcogbill at live dot com

tess August 20, 2010 - 10:32 am

i follow fritolay on twitter
tcogbill at live dot com

tess August 20, 2010 - 10:32 am

i get your emails
tcogbill at live dot com

tess August 20, 2010 - 10:33 am

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tcogbill at live dot com

tess August 20, 2010 - 10:33 am

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tcogbill at live dot com

tess August 20, 2010 - 10:34 am

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tcogbill at live dot com

Sharon B August 20, 2010 - 10:46 am

I am making a real effort to get to the gym at least 3 times a week, and working out hard for at least an hour.

Amber G August 20, 2010 - 10:53 am

I keep healthy by taking walks with the whole family after dinner!

Amber G August 20, 2010 - 10:54 am

I follow your blog with google friend connect

Amber G August 20, 2010 - 10:54 am

I follow Frito-Lay on Twitter – my Twitter ID is @AmberGoo

Amber G August 20, 2010 - 10:55 am

I like Cookies & Clogs on Facebook – my FB username is Amanda Moore

Amber G August 20, 2010 - 10:56 am

I follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter – my Twitter ID is @AmberGoo

Amber G August 20, 2010 - 10:59 am

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

Amber G August 20, 2010 - 10:59 am

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs

Amber G August 20, 2010 - 11:01 am
Patty Smith August 20, 2010 - 11:22 am

Ice cold water kept on the deck (we reuse bottles) I was refilling up to 20 bottles a day!

Patty Smith August 20, 2010 - 11:23 am

I subscribe to you via email!

Patty Smith August 20, 2010 - 11:24 am

I follow Frito Lay on facebook, Patty Smith

Patty Smith August 20, 2010 - 11:25 am

Sorry- I meant twitter, mnpatty

Patty Smith August 20, 2010 - 11:29 am

I like and follow cookies and clogs on facebook, Patty Smith

Patty Smith August 20, 2010 - 11:31 am

I am following cookies and clogs on Twitter, mnpatty

DeeAnn S August 20, 2010 - 12:15 pm

I ate a lot more fresh veggies and salads using goodies from the garden. Thanks.

DeeAnn S August 20, 2010 - 12:16 pm

Email subscriber.

paige chandler August 20, 2010 - 12:22 pm

Lots of time in hte gym, fresh fruit, and wate,

Marj M. August 20, 2010 - 1:07 pm

I kept healthy by drinking plenty of water this summer.

Marj M. August 20, 2010 - 1:08 pm

I’m an email subscriber.

Marj M. August 20, 2010 - 1:08 pm

Gfc follower as frugal tumbleweed acres.

marci August 20, 2010 - 1:17 pm

i kept healthy by eating more veggies from my garden 🙂

marci August 20, 2010 - 1:17 pm

Subscribe via email 🙂

marci August 20, 2010 - 1:18 pm

“Like” Cookies & Clogs on FB 🙂

marci August 20, 2010 - 1:18 pm

follow via GFC 🙂

marci August 20, 2010 - 1:19 pm

Follow on Networked Blogs 🙂

marci August 20, 2010 - 1:20 pm

Voted for you at Top Mommy Blogs 🙂

marci August 20, 2010 - 1:20 pm

Voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs 🙂

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:34 pm

thanks for the review. i ate a lot of cherries and melons instead of chocolate and tried my best to not snack on icecream at midnight.
songyueyu at gmail

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:36 pm

i follow Frito-Lay on Twitter

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:36 pm

i subscribe via email – songyuey at gmail

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:37 pm

i like Cookies & Clogs on Facebook

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:37 pm

i follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:38 pm
sy August 20, 2010 - 1:38 pm

i follow you on Google Friend Connect

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:39 pm

i commented on the Meet A Blogger at Ohana Mama-Me! post.

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:39 pm

i follow your blog on Networked Blogs

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:40 pm

i voted for you at Top Mommy Blogs

sy August 20, 2010 - 1:40 pm

i voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs

debp August 20, 2010 - 4:21 pm

I tried to eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible.

debp August 20, 2010 - 4:21 pm

I am a email subscriber.

debp August 20, 2010 - 4:21 pm

I am a gfc follower.

andy August 20, 2010 - 4:41 pm

Lots of water/walking

Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:53 pm

I kept healthy this summer by eating more fruits and drinking more water. 9too hot for me to walk! Can’t wait for the cooler weather!)

Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:53 pm

I follow Frito-Lay on Twitter

Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:54 pm

I subscribe via email

Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:55 pm

I like Cookies and Clogs on Facebook

Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:55 pm

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Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:55 pm

I follow with GFC

Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:56 pm

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Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:56 pm

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs

Elaine Lund August 20, 2010 - 4:57 pm

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:26 pm

I SWAM a lot and took Jazzercise.

Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:26 pm

•Follow Frito-Lay on Twitter

Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:27 pm
Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:27 pm

•“Like” Cookies & Clogs on Facebook

Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:28 pm

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Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:29 pm
Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:29 pm
Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:30 pm

I am Sohamolina NetworkedBlogs follower —- eddiem11@ca.rr.com

Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:31 pm

vote 8-20-10

Soha Molina August 20, 2010 - 8:33 pm

voted on Picket Fence 8-20-10

Melissa Jackson August 20, 2010 - 9:54 pm

This summer, I kept healthy by drinking TONS of water and eating lots of yogurt!

Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com

Melissa Jackson August 20, 2010 - 9:54 pm

I subscribe to your email newsletter.

Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com

Melissa Jackson August 20, 2010 - 9:55 pm

I like Cookies & Clogs on Facebook. (melissa jackson)

Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com

Melissa Jackson August 20, 2010 - 9:55 pm

I follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter. (@melissajackson0)

Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com

Melissa Jackson August 20, 2010 - 9:55 pm

I follow you on GFC.

Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com

Melissa Jackson August 20, 2010 - 9:56 pm

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs.

Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com

Melissa Jackson August 20, 2010 - 9:56 pm

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs.

Email: melissajackson07@gmail.com

brandy nelson August 20, 2010 - 11:03 pm

Well, I am pregnant, so I have had to do plenty of things to keep healthy this summer…A balanced diet, my prenatal vitamins, and yoga for pregnancy has been my routine!

brandy nelson August 20, 2010 - 11:04 pm

I subscribe

brandy nelson August 20, 2010 - 11:04 pm

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brandy nelson August 20, 2010 - 11:05 pm

I like you on FB

Soha Molina August 21, 2010 - 8:41 am
Soha Molina August 21, 2010 - 8:42 am

voted on top mommy 8-21-10

Soha Molina August 21, 2010 - 8:42 am

voted on Picket Fence 8-21-10

jennifer August 21, 2010 - 9:13 am

how i keep my self fit for the summer i do a lot of walking and eating a lot of fruits and veg’s

jennifer August 21, 2010 - 9:14 am

i’m on the gfc thing here jenny9675309[at]yahoo.com

jennifer August 21, 2010 - 9:15 am

i subcribe to your blog by mail also

jennifer August 21, 2010 - 9:16 am

i follow f.l. on twitter

jennifer August 21, 2010 - 9:17 am

i like u on fb (jenny bowen)

jennifer August 21, 2010 - 9:18 am

i follow u on twitter (jenny9675309)

tracy davis August 21, 2010 - 10:44 am

I walked alot

Nancy August 21, 2010 - 10:54 am

We stayed healthy this summer by shopping for the freshest fruits and vegetable at our local farmers market.

Nancy August 21, 2010 - 10:54 am

I am an e-mail subscriber.

Nancy August 21, 2010 - 10:55 am

I voted for you today at Tp Mommy Blogs – good luck!

Nancy August 21, 2010 - 10:55 am

I voted for you today at Picket Fence Blogs – good luck!

marilyn August 21, 2010 - 12:34 pm

tons of fresh fruit & veggies. Like you on FB

Linda Lansford August 21, 2010 - 2:23 pm

We go to the beach

Richard T. August 21, 2010 - 2:38 pm

I am cutting down on the carbs and walking more.

EMMA L HORTON August 21, 2010 - 2:42 pm


EMMA L HORTON August 21, 2010 - 2:43 pm


Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:10 pm

I kept healthy this summer by snacking on lots of fresh fruit and vegetables from the farmer’s market!

Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:11 pm

I follow Frito Lay on twitter – @ktkatherine

Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:11 pm

I subscribe via email!

Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:11 pm

Fanned you on facebook – ktkatherine

Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:12 pm

Following you on twitter – @ktkatherine

Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:12 pm
Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:13 pm

Following via gfc – ktkatherine

Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:13 pm

Following via networked blogs – ktkatherine

Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:14 pm

Voted for you @ Top Mommy Blogs – 08/21

Katie August 21, 2010 - 5:15 pm

Voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs – 08/21

Donnetta D August 21, 2010 - 5:18 pm

We kept healthy by going to the farmers market and taking long walks!

Donnetta D August 21, 2010 - 5:19 pm

I subscribe by email.

Donnetta D August 21, 2010 - 5:20 pm

I Follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter as coffeebreakmom.

Donnetta D August 21, 2010 - 5:23 pm
Megan August 21, 2010 - 5:29 pm

I kept healthy by drinking plenty of water.
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan August 21, 2010 - 5:29 pm

email subscriber
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan August 21, 2010 - 5:30 pm

I like you on FB
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Megan August 21, 2010 - 5:30 pm

GFC follower
mearley1979 at gmail dot com

Christine August 21, 2010 - 7:08 pm

healthy eating

Daniel M. August 21, 2010 - 9:29 pm

I stayed healthy by cutting soda and walking more.

Noreen August 21, 2010 - 9:40 pm

lots of fresh fruit and veggies that are in season

Noreen August 21, 2010 - 9:44 pm

•Follow Frito-Lay on Twitter

Noreen August 21, 2010 - 9:48 pm

•Follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter

Noreen August 21, 2010 - 9:48 pm

•Follow on Google Friend Connect

Miss Lissy August 22, 2010 - 12:52 am

I kept healthy by walking and biking instead of taking other forms of transportation whenever I could to keep me active.

Susan Mc August 22, 2010 - 4:46 am

I follow Frito Lay on Twitter @SusanMcNeill Thanks for the great giveaway! susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

Susan Mc August 22, 2010 - 4:46 am

I am already a subscriber! susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

Susan Mc August 22, 2010 - 4:47 am

I like Cookies and Clogs on Facebook. susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

Susan Mc August 22, 2010 - 4:48 am

I follow you on Twitter! Follow me back @SusanMcNeill susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

Susan Mc August 22, 2010 - 4:49 am

I tweeted RT & #Win a Crate & Barrel Chip and Dip Bowl from Frito-Lay plus more @fritolay @cookiesandclogs Ends 9/5 #giveaway http://bit.ly/a25jS0 today (sunday) @SusanMcNeill susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

Susan Mc August 22, 2010 - 4:51 am

I am a follow via Google Freinds Connect susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

Susan Mc August 22, 2010 - 4:51 am

I just signed up to follow you through Networked Blogs susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

Katie August 22, 2010 - 6:48 am
Julie Davis August 22, 2010 - 7:19 am

I kept healthy this summer by running

julie1351 at bellsouth dot net

Julie Davis August 22, 2010 - 7:20 am

Follow frito-lay on twitter

Julie Davis August 22, 2010 - 7:20 am

follw cookiesandclogs on twitter @finntannermom

Tari L. August 22, 2010 - 7:24 am

I worked out regularly, lifting weights, running and even walking with my son.

Marsha P August 22, 2010 - 9:51 am

Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and grilled meat.

Heather August 22, 2010 - 10:42 am

we eat lots of fruit and jump on the trampoline, climb, run, etc…

julie reuter August 22, 2010 - 11:36 am

i kept healthy by drinking lots of water

julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

julie reuter August 22, 2010 - 11:38 am

follow frito lay on twitter – @nosogirl

julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

julie reuter August 22, 2010 - 11:39 am

email subscriber

julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

julie reuter August 22, 2010 - 11:39 am

liked you on fb – julie.reuter1

julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

julie reuter August 22, 2010 - 11:39 am

follow you on twitter – @nosogirl

julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

julie reuter August 22, 2010 - 11:41 am



julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

julie reuter August 22, 2010 - 11:41 am

gfc – osu92

julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

julie reuter August 22, 2010 - 11:42 am

networked blogs

julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

Heidi V. August 22, 2010 - 12:55 pm

We walked more and drank plenty of water.

Heidi V. August 22, 2010 - 12:55 pm

Following the Frito-Lay on Twitter.

Heidi V. August 22, 2010 - 12:56 pm

Following Cookies and Clogs on Twitter.

Kristi C August 22, 2010 - 12:56 pm

I am eating more fruits and vegetables and exercising more outside.

Heidi V. August 22, 2010 - 12:56 pm
Kristi C August 22, 2010 - 12:57 pm

follow you on twitter @5memb

Kristi C August 22, 2010 - 12:59 pm
Amanda T August 22, 2010 - 1:46 pm

We took walks first thing in the morning.

Paulette August 22, 2010 - 3:02 pm

I kept summer healthy by cutting out sodas and adding more 100% juices and water!

Jean F August 22, 2010 - 4:44 pm

I didn’t really keep healthy, although I did try to get to the gym

Meredith August 22, 2010 - 6:45 pm

We did lots of walking.

heidi w. August 22, 2010 - 6:47 pm

My husband an I both got bikes!

Claudia August 22, 2010 - 7:42 pm

Drink a lot of water and eat a lot fruits and vegetables.

Jamie August 22, 2010 - 8:43 pm

I cooked healthier and tried to include more fresh-from-the garden vegetables, lots of water and fresh juices and ended each day with a leisuresly walk for cardio health.

Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:48 pm

Lots of salads and filtered water.

Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:49 pm

I voted for you in the Top Mommy Blogs


Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:49 pm

I voted for you in Picket Fence Blogs


Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:50 pm

I Like you on Facebook

FB name – RJ.W.Higgins


Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:51 pm

I follow you on Twitter.



Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:53 pm

I follow Frito-Lay on Twitter.



Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:54 pm
Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:56 pm

I Follow You Publicly on Google Friend Connect


Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:57 pm

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Rae Higgins August 22, 2010 - 11:58 pm

I Subscribe to your blog via Email


Abhishek Duggal August 23, 2010 - 12:07 am

By drinking plenty of water and eating smart & healthy.

Breanne Blanchard August 23, 2010 - 12:18 am

Didn’t really stay real healthy, but added more exercise!

Breanne Blanchard August 23, 2010 - 12:20 am

Following Frito Lay on Twitter.

Breanne Blanchard August 23, 2010 - 12:20 am

Like you on Facebook.

Breanne Blanchard August 23, 2010 - 12:21 am

Following you on Twitter.

Mike August 23, 2010 - 7:01 am

I work out three or four times a week. Thanks!

Kim Carlile August 23, 2010 - 8:00 am

We kept healthy by eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies.

Ruth Hill August 23, 2010 - 12:36 pm

I went to the gym regularly and made sure to have healthy snack food lying around.

Ruth Hill August 23, 2010 - 12:46 pm

e-mail subscriber

Ruth Hill August 23, 2010 - 12:47 pm

networked blogs follower

Ruth Hill August 23, 2010 - 12:47 pm

gfc follower

Ruth Hill August 23, 2010 - 12:48 pm

voted for you on the picket fence

Ruth Hill August 23, 2010 - 12:48 pm

voted for you on top mommy blogs

Ruth Hill August 23, 2010 - 12:51 pm

like you on facebook

evelyn August 23, 2010 - 2:29 pm

enter me thanks

Susan Mc August 23, 2010 - 2:38 pm

I tweeted today (Monday) @SusanMcNeill about the giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity! susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

Katie August 23, 2010 - 7:26 pm
Melissa August 23, 2010 - 7:39 pm

By eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and drinking lots of water!

Monique Rizzo August 23, 2010 - 9:06 pm

We ate fresh fruit and veggies and took a walk each night.
Thanks for the chance.

Susan Mc August 24, 2010 - 4:06 am

I retweeted today (Tuesday) @SusanMcNeill susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

brandlyn August 24, 2010 - 8:05 am

by eating alot of veggies and less sugary foods and drinks.

Soha Molina August 24, 2010 - 8:25 am
Soha Molina August 24, 2010 - 8:26 am

voted on top mommy 8-24-10

Soha Molina August 24, 2010 - 8:26 am

voted on picket fence 8-24-10

Holly Miller August 24, 2010 - 9:25 am

we kept healthy by eating out less & making more homemade meals!

Holly Miller

Holly Miller August 24, 2010 - 9:25 am

following on gfc

Holly Miller

Holly Miller August 24, 2010 - 9:26 am

like cookies & clogs on f.b.

Holly Miller

OlyveOyl August 24, 2010 - 9:50 am

We spend lots of time as a family, enjoying the outdoors and go hiking, biking, and moving!

Pam R August 24, 2010 - 1:42 pm

Running after my kids, drinking loads of water and eating lots of fruit and veggies kept me healthy!

Katie August 24, 2010 - 3:36 pm
Susan Mc August 25, 2010 - 3:25 am

I tweeted today RT & #Win a Crate & Barrel Chip and Dip Bowl from Frito-Lay plus more @fritolay @cookiesandclogs Ends 9/5 #giveaway http://bit.ly/a25jS0 @SusanMcNeill

Lisa August 25, 2010 - 9:29 am

I stay healthy by swimming with my son in the pool and playing on the playground while walking to and from the park

Daphne August 25, 2010 - 1:10 pm

I stayed healthy this summer by eating lots of fruits and vegees….and by getting lots of sleep.

Donnetta D August 25, 2010 - 2:24 pm
Katie August 25, 2010 - 5:26 pm
Susan Mc August 26, 2010 - 3:51 am

I retweeted today (Thursday). Thanks for the giveaway!

Soha Molina August 26, 2010 - 8:16 am
Soha Molina August 26, 2010 - 8:17 am

voted on top mommy 8-26-10

Soha Molina August 26, 2010 - 8:18 am

voted on picket fence 8-26-10

Jennifer M. August 26, 2010 - 2:46 pm

I drank lots of water and made tons of salsa to eat with yummy chips! Very healthy!

Jennifer M. August 26, 2010 - 2:47 pm

I’m a f of Cookies & Clogs on Facebook!

Alicia Webster August 26, 2010 - 3:39 pm

I don’t drive so I have to walk everywhere, so being outside and getting plenty of exercise keeps me healthy. I am also not as hungry as I used to be.
Alicia Webster

Susan C August 26, 2010 - 6:28 pm

I went to the Saturday market every week and bought fresh fruits and vegetables.
smchester at gmail dot com

Susan C August 26, 2010 - 6:32 pm

I am following Fritolay on twitter as ptowngirl
smchester at gmail dot com

Donnetta D August 26, 2010 - 8:18 pm
Mary-Frances C. August 26, 2010 - 10:58 pm

I stay healthy by walking as much as I can. We walk my daughter to school.
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Mary-Frances C. August 26, 2010 - 10:58 pm

Following you via Twitter @azmarry
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Mary-Frances C. August 26, 2010 - 10:59 pm

Following Frito Lay via Twitter @azmarry
mommieseatsoggycereal at gmail dot com

Jane August 27, 2010 - 2:47 pm

I kept healthy this summer by going for a walk every day.

Jeanine August 27, 2010 - 6:15 pm

I drank alot of water and walked alot

Donnetta D August 27, 2010 - 7:24 pm
Carolyn G August 28, 2010 - 9:05 am

I eat more fruits and veggies in the summer to keep healthy

Carolyn G August 28, 2010 - 9:05 am

follow C&C on twitter: carogonza

Carolyn G August 28, 2010 - 9:06 am

follow frito lay on twitter: carogonza

Carolyn G August 28, 2010 - 9:06 am

Liked C&C on Facebook: carolyn gonzalez

Soha Molina August 28, 2010 - 9:09 am
Soha Molina August 28, 2010 - 9:10 am

voted on top mommy 8-28-10

Soha Molina August 28, 2010 - 9:10 am

voted for Cookies & Clogs 8-28-10

julie reuter August 28, 2010 - 1:22 pm

daily tweet


julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

stacy August 28, 2010 - 4:58 pm

We did a lot of outdoor activities like gardening this summer!

stacy August 28, 2010 - 4:59 pm

I follow Frito-Lay on twitter (ohstac)

stacy August 28, 2010 - 5:00 pm

I follow Cookies & Clogs on twitter (ohstac)

stacy August 28, 2010 - 5:00 pm
stacy August 28, 2010 - 5:01 pm

I follow on GFC

stacy August 29, 2010 - 7:29 am
Jennifer C. August 29, 2010 - 12:50 pm

This summer we ate lots of local fresh fruits and veggies!

Jennifer C. August 29, 2010 - 12:51 pm

I follow Frito Lay on twitter @JCausby

Jennifer C. August 29, 2010 - 12:51 pm

I like you on Facebook!

Jennifer C. August 29, 2010 - 12:52 pm

I follow via GFC

Jennifer C. August 29, 2010 - 12:52 pm

I follow via Networked Blogs

Tammy August 29, 2010 - 1:52 pm

I stay healthy by walking, doing videos and riding my bike all year long. But summertime lets me be outside more to take the dog for a walk. Following you on FB and Twitter and Following Frito Lay on FB.

Donnetta D August 29, 2010 - 1:54 pm
Jennifer M. August 30, 2010 - 12:55 pm

Tweeted about the contest today!

Katie August 30, 2010 - 2:21 pm
kathy August 30, 2010 - 6:56 pm

I ate lots and lots of fruit!

Michele P. August 30, 2010 - 7:48 pm

I did some walking and ate more fruits and drank plenty of water!

Michele P. August 30, 2010 - 7:49 pm

Frito Lay twitter follower @micaela6955

Michele P. August 30, 2010 - 7:49 pm

like you on FB Michele Pineda

Michele P. August 30, 2010 - 7:50 pm

following you via GFC

Michele P. August 30, 2010 - 7:51 pm

voted on TMB today

Soha Molina August 31, 2010 - 8:22 am
Soha Molina August 31, 2010 - 8:26 am

voted on picket fence 8-31-10

Soha Molina August 31, 2010 - 8:26 am

voted on top mommy 8-31-10

Debra B August 31, 2010 - 11:03 am

I walked 3 miles just about every day (4-5 days a week) for health reasons and to lose a few pounds, and I am trying to go low carb too
Thanks again

Debra B August 31, 2010 - 11:04 am

I follow you on twitter too

thanks again

Debra B August 31, 2010 - 11:04 am
Debra B August 31, 2010 - 11:05 am

I am following Fritolay too on twitter

thanks again

Debra Berki August 31, 2010 - 11:06 am

I subscribed by email too

Thanks again

stacy August 31, 2010 - 4:20 pm
Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:33 pm

Started a diet and still on it.

Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:33 pm

Follow Fritolay on twitter

Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:34 pm

Subscribe via email

Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:34 pm

LIKE Cookies & Clogs on FB

Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:35 pm

Follow cookiesANDclogs on twitter

Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:36 pm
Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:36 pm

Follow via GFC

Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:37 pm

Follow via Networked Blogs

Geri August 31, 2010 - 5:38 pm

Voted on Top Mommy Blogs

Leslie Price September 1, 2010 - 10:35 am

I find it so easy to be healthy in the summer because there’s so much fresh produce at all the farmer’s markets! It’s also great weather for taking long walks on the beach.

Leslie Price September 1, 2010 - 10:37 am

I follow you on Twitter @lprice79.

Leslie Price September 1, 2010 - 10:37 am

I follow Frito Lay on Twitter @lprice79.

Leslie Price September 1, 2010 - 10:37 am

GFC follower.

Leslie Price September 1, 2010 - 10:38 am

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs.

Leslie Price September 1, 2010 - 10:38 am

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs.

Heather! September 1, 2010 - 11:55 am

I did a very loose version of the Cabbage Soup Diet once each month and replaced junk food with fruit and other ‘good for me’ snacks. I’m wearing a smaller size of jeans! Whoo-hoo!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 1, 2010 - 11:57 am

I LIKE C&C on Facebook!
(Heather S Chaffer)
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 1, 2010 - 11:57 am

I follow you on Twitter as hybroanglid.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 1, 2010 - 11:58 am

I tweeted!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 1, 2010 - 12:03 pm

I voted at Top Mommy Blogs!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 1, 2010 - 12:03 pm

I voted at We’re on the Fence.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 1, 2010 - 12:05 pm

I follow via Networked Blogs!
(Heather S Chaffer/ I Digress.)
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 1, 2010 - 12:06 pm

I follow via GFC!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Donnetta D September 1, 2010 - 7:53 pm
Heather! September 2, 2010 - 3:01 am

Daily tweet!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Julie Cutshaw September 2, 2010 - 3:33 am

I started walking more for my blood pressure & drinking more water less sodas, thanks
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Julie Cutshaw September 2, 2010 - 3:34 am

sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Soha Molina September 2, 2010 - 8:05 am
Soha Molina September 2, 2010 - 8:06 am

voted on top mommy

Soha Molina September 2, 2010 - 8:07 am

voted on picket fence 9-2-10

Soha Molina September 2, 2010 - 8:12 am
Daphne September 2, 2010 - 10:06 am

I am trying to drink lots of water

Donnetta D September 2, 2010 - 1:32 pm
Katie September 2, 2010 - 7:16 pm
Kristi C September 3, 2010 - 2:52 am
Heather! September 3, 2010 - 3:31 am

Daily tweet!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Jenn S. September 3, 2010 - 7:45 am

Went swimming almost everyday and chased the kids around the park playing tag. 🙂

Angela Winesburg September 3, 2010 - 12:43 pm

I ran and ate all of the delicious fruit that was in season,, thanks!

angela September 3, 2010 - 12:53 pm

We have been snacking light this summer with fruit and veggies, baked chips, and few sodas.

Donnetta D September 3, 2010 - 5:26 pm
Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:25 pm

I drank alot of water this summer to stay healthy! Thanks!

Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:26 pm

I follow Frito Lay on Twitter! @natdey

Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:27 pm

I like you on Facebook!
Natalie Ahotaeiloa

Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:28 pm

I follow you on Twitter! @natdey

Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:28 pm

I follow your blog!

Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:29 pm

I follow on Network Blog!

Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:30 pm

I voted on Top Mommy Blog!

Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:31 pm

I voted on Picket Fence!

Natalie A. September 3, 2010 - 7:31 pm
Susan R. September 3, 2010 - 7:41 pm

We made fruit smoothies sweetened only with the fruit and did a lot of bike riding. 🙂

Susan R. September 3, 2010 - 7:42 pm

I’m a google follower!


Susan R. September 3, 2010 - 7:42 pm

I follow on Twitter!


Susan R. September 3, 2010 - 7:42 pm

I re-tweeted!

Amanda A September 3, 2010 - 8:46 pm

I like to play outside with the kids and ride my bike with them!

Amanda A September 3, 2010 - 8:46 pm

I follow on GFC

Amanda A September 3, 2010 - 8:46 pm

I voted for you on picket fences

Amanda A September 3, 2010 - 8:47 pm

I voted for you on top mommy blogs

Amanda S. September 3, 2010 - 9:29 pm

I tried to keep up my regular exercise routine!

LAMusing September 3, 2010 - 9:33 pm

I kept healthy by eating fairly balanced meals

LAMusing September 3, 2010 - 9:35 pm
LAMusing September 3, 2010 - 9:35 pm

I follow you on GFC!

Norma September 3, 2010 - 9:36 pm

I stated healthy by cutting down my caffeine

LAMusing September 3, 2010 - 9:37 pm

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

LAMusing September 3, 2010 - 9:38 pm

I voted for you on Picket Fences

LAMusing September 3, 2010 - 9:39 pm

I follow you on Networked Blogs
(as the name in my email address)

LAMusing September 3, 2010 - 9:40 pm

I like you on Facebook
(as the name in my email address)

Cori Westphal September 3, 2010 - 10:21 pm

Lots of walking and biking! My kids are finally big enough to keep up and it’s a great workout for all of us!

Cori Westphal September 3, 2010 - 10:22 pm

I’m a Google Friend: Cori Westphal

coriwestphal at msn dot com

Cori Westphal September 3, 2010 - 10:23 pm

I like you on FB: Cori Eckstrom Westphal

coriwestphal at msn dot com

Cori Westphal September 3, 2010 - 10:23 pm

I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal

coriwestphal at msn dot com

Cori Westphal September 3, 2010 - 10:23 pm

I follow FritoLay on Twitter @coriwestphal

coriwestphal at msn dot com

Cori Westphal September 3, 2010 - 10:23 pm

I follow via FB Networked Blogs: Cori Eckstrom Westphal

coriwestphal at msn dot com

Cori Westphal September 3, 2010 - 10:24 pm

I voted for you at Top Mommy Blogs.

Cori Westphal September 3, 2010 - 10:24 pm

I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs.

Jill Myrick September 3, 2010 - 11:27 pm

This summer we did a lot of hiking, swimming and geocaching.
We also ate a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits from our garden that we grew.


Jill Myrick September 3, 2010 - 11:28 pm

I am following Frito Lay via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick September 3, 2010 - 11:28 pm

I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

Jill Myrick September 3, 2010 - 11:29 pm

I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


Jill Myrick September 3, 2010 - 11:29 pm

I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


Jill Myrick September 3, 2010 - 11:30 pm

I am following via Google Friends Connect.


Jill Myrick September 3, 2010 - 11:30 pm

I am following via Networked Blogs.


Heather! September 4, 2010 - 4:30 am

Daily tweet!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 4, 2010 - 4:30 am

Daily vote at Top Mommy Blogs!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! September 4, 2010 - 4:30 am

Daily vote at We’re on the Fence.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Emmy September 4, 2010 - 5:35 am

I tried to switch from coffee to green tea and i bought a bike!

Emmy September 4, 2010 - 5:35 am

Google Friend

Kim H. September 4, 2010 - 7:14 am

We tried hard to keep healthy this summer and everyone lost a bit of weight.
What we do is remember moderation in everything! We don’t have ‘forbidden’ foods. We still eat what we like, we’ve just learned serving sizes.

Kim H. September 4, 2010 - 7:18 am

I follow frito on twitter; @asketcher1

Kim H. September 4, 2010 - 7:20 am
Kim H. September 4, 2010 - 7:22 am

I follow cookies & clogs on twitter: @asketcher1

Kim H. September 4, 2010 - 7:23 am

I follow on GFC with my randominities blog.

tallcapp September 4, 2010 - 8:22 am

I kept healthy by putting a very healthy smoothie each morning in my diet–chock full of fresh berries.

Soha Molina September 4, 2010 - 8:41 am
Soha Molina September 4, 2010 - 8:41 am

voted on picket fence 9-4-10

Soha Molina September 4, 2010 - 8:42 am

voted on top mommy 9-4-10

julie reuter September 4, 2010 - 10:01 am

daily tweet


julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

Aleksandra September 4, 2010 - 10:04 am

I work out 5 days a week 🙂

Aleksandra September 4, 2010 - 10:05 am

GFC follower

Aleksandra September 4, 2010 - 10:05 am

like you on FB already

Kyl Neusch September 4, 2010 - 10:37 am

work out outside

Kyl Neusch September 4, 2010 - 10:38 am

Follow Frito-Lay on Twitter: bleush

Kyl Neusch September 4, 2010 - 10:38 am

“Like” Cookies & Clogs on Facebook: ky neusc

Kyl Neusch September 4, 2010 - 10:38 am

Follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter: bleush

Kyl Neusch September 4, 2010 - 10:40 am
Natalie A. September 4, 2010 - 12:17 pm

I tweeted this giveaway today!

Debbie September 4, 2010 - 12:24 pm

I kept healthy this summer by eating lots more cool salads and a lot less junk food.


Debbie September 4, 2010 - 12:26 pm

I follow FritoLay on Twitter (ReneeWelchTweet)


Debbie September 4, 2010 - 12:27 pm

I follow you (Cookies&clogs) on Twitter (ReneeWelchTweet)


Debbie September 4, 2010 - 12:27 pm




Cassie M September 4, 2010 - 12:38 pm

This summer, I made an effort to bike to work as often as I could! I also took a summer dance class, and tried to eat locally grown vegetables! Our family would really use this cip&dip bowl, because we eat chips and dip year round!

Pamela S September 4, 2010 - 1:15 pm

We stayed healthier by planting a larger garden and eating more fresh produce.

susitravl September 4, 2010 - 1:57 pm

Ate a lot of homegrown fruit & veggies and took my dogs for long walks.

susitravl September 4, 2010 - 1:59 pm

Follow Frito-Lay on Twitter

susitravl September 4, 2010 - 1:59 pm

“Like” Cookies & Clogs on Facebook

susitravl September 4, 2010 - 1:59 pm

Follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter

susitravl September 4, 2010 - 2:00 pm
Ken September 4, 2010 - 2:24 pm

We ate fruit and veggies and swam in the pool a lot.

Ed Nemmers September 4, 2010 - 2:41 pm

We bicycle almost everywhere in the nice weather!

Daniel M September 4, 2010 - 4:04 pm

drink lots of water and get out and get some exercise!

shawna September 4, 2010 - 4:49 pm

Portion control and lots of excercise.

Kerry September 4, 2010 - 5:57 pm

I kept healthy by walking 3-4 miles every day.

Kerry September 4, 2010 - 5:59 pm
Erica C. September 4, 2010 - 6:27 pm

With so many fruit markets right now, we’ve been having some amazing fruit salads!

Donnetta D September 4, 2010 - 6:43 pm
Susan Smith September 4, 2010 - 7:53 pm

We have swimming to keep healthy

Susan Smith September 4, 2010 - 7:53 pm

follow via GFC

Ro September 4, 2010 - 7:59 pm

I stayed healthy by drinking lots and lots and lots of water and avoiding the sun as much as possible.

Louis September 4, 2010 - 8:34 pm

I always prefer(red) a fresh salad over junk food

Louis September 4, 2010 - 8:35 pm

following Fritolay on twitter at left_the_stars

Louis September 4, 2010 - 8:35 pm

I like your blog on FaceBook (Louis Here) 🙂

Louis September 4, 2010 - 8:35 pm

following you on twitter at left_the_stars

Louis September 4, 2010 - 8:36 pm
Louis September 4, 2010 - 8:37 pm

Following your blog publicly as Louis on Google Friends Connect

Louis September 4, 2010 - 8:37 pm

Voted for you at Top Mommy Blogs

Louis September 4, 2010 - 8:37 pm

Picket Fence
You have just voted for Cookies & Clogs! Remember, you can vote every day

kim e September 4, 2010 - 8:52 pm

Late days and cooler nights have allowed me to walk nightly.

katklaw777 September 5, 2010 - 12:21 am

We grew a lot of our own veggies this year…organic tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, peppers & chilis, lettuce, radishes, green beans and pumpkins. Herbs too!!!
This project was fun, frugal and helped us to east better.

katklaw777 September 5, 2010 - 12:21 am

I subscribe via email.

katklaw777 September 5, 2010 - 12:23 am

Voted at TMB, you are #59.

LAMusing September 5, 2010 - 12:25 am
LAMusing September 5, 2010 - 12:26 am

Voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs

LAMusing September 5, 2010 - 12:27 am

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!

katklaw777 September 5, 2010 - 12:27 am
Emma Peel September 5, 2010 - 3:21 am

Watching the saturated fats

Emma Peel September 5, 2010 - 3:23 am
Emma Peel September 5, 2010 - 3:24 am

I follow on google friend connect

Emma Peel September 5, 2010 - 3:24 am

I Subscribe via email

Emma Peel September 5, 2010 - 3:25 am

I Like Cookies & Clogs on Facebook
id Emm Enger

Emma Peel September 5, 2010 - 3:26 am

I Follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter
id Emma__Peel

Emma Peel September 5, 2010 - 3:27 am

Following Frito-Lay on Twitter
id Emma__Peel

Susan Mc September 5, 2010 - 4:53 am

I tweeted today (9-5). Hope I win! susanmcneill6 (at) comcast (dot) net

dianad September 5, 2010 - 4:57 am

I spend the summer at an RV Park. I was very active with water aerobics and line dancing as well as hiking and biking. Not bad for a 64 year old. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.

dianad September 5, 2010 - 4:58 am

I am a Google Friend Connect follower. Thanks

Nancy September 5, 2010 - 5:46 am

We kept healthy this summer by shopping at the farmer’s market and emphasizing vegetables and fruits in our meals and snacks.

Nancy September 5, 2010 - 5:46 am

I am also an e-mail subscriber.

Nancy September 5, 2010 - 5:47 am

I voted for you at Top Mommy Blogs.

Nancy September 5, 2010 - 5:47 am

I voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs.

Katie September 5, 2010 - 6:36 am
Happi Shopr September 5, 2010 - 7:40 am

I walked 30 minutes a day and tried to eat healthy

Happi Shopr September 5, 2010 - 7:42 am

Follow Frito-Lay on Twitter (@happishopr)

Happi Shopr September 5, 2010 - 7:44 am

“Like” Cookies & Clogs on Facebook (laura griggs)

Happi Shopr September 5, 2010 - 7:45 am

Follow Cookies & Clogs on Twitter (@happishopr)

Happi Shopr September 5, 2010 - 7:46 am

Follow via GFC

Happi Shopr September 5, 2010 - 7:47 am

Follow on Networked Blogs (laura griggs)

Heather! September 5, 2010 - 8:11 am

Daily tweet!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

laurie September 5, 2010 - 9:15 am

i walk every day to keep healthy

laurie September 5, 2010 - 9:15 am

follow FL on twitter-lmurley2000

laurie September 5, 2010 - 9:15 am

email subscriber

laurie September 5, 2010 - 9:16 am

like C&C on facebook-lmurley2000

laurie September 5, 2010 - 9:16 am

follow C&C on twitter-lmurley2000

laurie September 5, 2010 - 9:17 am
laurie September 5, 2010 - 9:17 am

follow on GFC

laurie September 5, 2010 - 9:17 am

follow on NB-facebook

Deborah Wellenstein September 5, 2010 - 9:39 am

We’ve been doing a lot of swimming and volleyball this summer.

Deborah Wellenstein September 5, 2010 - 9:40 am

I follow you on Networked Blogs as Debbi Otto Wellenstein.

Deborah Wellenstein September 5, 2010 - 9:40 am

I follow you on GFC as dwellenstein.

Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:05 am

I kept healthy this summer by drinking plenty of water and wearing sunscreen and sunglasses when I ventured outside.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:06 am

i follow Frito-Lay on twitter – js22222222 .

Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:07 am

I “Like” Cookies & Clogs on Facebook-Joanne Schultz. http://www.facebook.com/js2222

Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:07 am

i follow you on twitter – js22222222 .

Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:08 am
Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:08 am

I follow your blog on google friends connect- Joanne Schultz .

Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:09 am

I Follow on Networked Blogs-Joanne Schultz. http://www.facebook.com/js2222

Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:10 am

I Voted for you at Top Mommy Blogs

Joanne Schultz September 5, 2010 - 10:10 am

I Voted for you at Picket Fence Blogs

Natalie A. September 5, 2010 - 12:40 pm

I tweeted this giveaway today!

Jennifer C. September 5, 2010 - 12:45 pm

I follow you on twitter @JCausby

Jennifer C. September 5, 2010 - 12:45 pm
Emma Peel September 5, 2010 - 12:53 pm
Stacey M September 5, 2010 - 1:29 pm

I kept healthy this summer by taking daily 30 minute+ walks in the evening.

Stacey M September 5, 2010 - 1:30 pm

I follow Frito-Lay on twitter @samman324

Stacey M September 5, 2010 - 1:31 pm

I follow cookiesANDclogs on twitter @samman324

Stacey M September 5, 2010 - 1:32 pm

I tweeted this giveaway on twitter @ http://twitter.com/samman324/status/23086407857

Stacey M September 5, 2010 - 1:32 pm

I follow you on GFC.

kimo September 5, 2010 - 1:37 pm

I kept healthy by going on hikes.

kimojax9 at gmail dot com

kimo September 5, 2010 - 1:38 pm

I follow you on twitter. @hoopzfanatic

kimojax9 at gmail dot com

Julie Cutshaw September 5, 2010 - 1:45 pm

sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Stacey M September 5, 2010 - 1:48 pm

I “like” cookies & clogs on FB (stacey pisciotta maniaci)

Donnetta D September 5, 2010 - 3:28 pm
Debra F September 5, 2010 - 4:17 pm

We kept healthy this summer by eating lots of the fresh veggies and fruits we got at our local farmer’s market

Charity S. September 5, 2010 - 5:04 pm

I drink lots of water during the summer.

Charity S. September 5, 2010 - 5:04 pm

Follow Frito-Lay on Twitter


Melanie September 5, 2010 - 5:14 pm

I worked out about twice a week, sometimes 3 times!

Wendy McBride September 5, 2010 - 5:26 pm

eating fresh fruits and vegetables!

wendym at cableone dot net

Amy Delong September 5, 2010 - 5:32 pm

stayed healthy by swimming and eating better!

Amy Delong September 5, 2010 - 5:32 pm

fb fan of yours

Amy Delong September 5, 2010 - 5:33 pm

follow you on twitter

Amy Delong September 5, 2010 - 5:33 pm


Jennifer M September 5, 2010 - 5:55 pm

We’re drinking more water and eating fresh fruit.

Ken September 5, 2010 - 6:34 pm

We take walks in the evening and swim in the pool. We are also eating more fruits and veggies.

julie reuter September 5, 2010 - 7:24 pm

daily tweet


julie_reuter92 at yahoo dot com

Michelle H. September 5, 2010 - 7:48 pm

I worked out a lot this summer and didn’t drink sugary soda.

Michelle H. September 5, 2010 - 7:49 pm

Email subscriber.

Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 7:49 pm

I kept healthy this summer by swimming,drinking lots of
water and eating lots of fruits and veggies

Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 7:52 pm

I am following Frito-Lay on Twitter (@Swtlilchick)

Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 7:52 pm

I am a subscriber via email

Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 7:53 pm

I Like Cookies & Clogs on Facebook (Charlene Kuser)

Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 7:54 pm

I am following Cookies & Clogs on Twitter (@Swtlilchick)

Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 7:55 pm
Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 7:56 pm

I am following you on Google Friend Connect (Charlene)

Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 7:59 pm

I voted for you at Top Mommy Blogs

Charlene Kuser September 5, 2010 - 8:06 pm

I am following you on networked blogs (Charlene K)

Chrysa September 5, 2010 - 8:16 pm

I did a lot of biking!

Chrysa September 5, 2010 - 8:16 pm

I like you on Facebook.

Chrysa September 5, 2010 - 8:17 pm

I’m following you on Twitter (I’m @LuckyJinxy).

Chrysa September 5, 2010 - 8:18 pm

I’m following your blog in Google Friend Connect.

Chrysa September 5, 2010 - 8:24 pm
Sand September 5, 2010 - 8:56 pm

I kept healthy this summer by indulging in healthy foods and continuing my exercise routine.

Lucy Schwartz September 5, 2010 - 9:02 pm

I kept healthy this summer by protecting my skin when I was outside and buying fresh fruits and vegetables at local Farmer’s Markets.

Rosey September 5, 2010 - 9:20 pm

We did a lot of walking the trails and swimming at the lake to stay healthy this summer.

TRACY HEYER September 5, 2010 - 9:38 pm

We go walk on trails and watch what we eat.

Gianna September 5, 2010 - 9:44 pm

Staying active.

Veronica Garrett September 5, 2010 - 10:21 pm

I exercised outside and due to doctor’s orders changed my eating habits.

Daphne September 5, 2010 - 10:25 pm

Lots of sleep!

sheila k. September 5, 2010 - 11:01 pm

working out on the treadmill and stationary bike, Pilates, and healtful salads as a main dish.

Sam February 12, 2011 - 8:09 am

It’s all about what you eat. It has a HUGE impact on how you feel.

Comments are closed.