Home FamilyPersonal Quote: Smile While You Still Have Teeth

Quote: Smile While You Still Have Teeth

by TerriAnn
Smile while you still have teeth photo quote

Motivational Smile Quotes…

This smile quote kind of made me let out a soft giggle. I think it had to do with the cute little face and my tendency to immediately picture things in my head. I love quotes about smiling, especially on days like Mondays, because they are contagious. Would you agree?

Smile while you still have teeth photo quote

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Rob February 4, 2013 - 2:05 pm

LOL, That is a funny quote.

TerriAnn van Gosliga February 12, 2013 - 5:09 pm

Isn’t it though?!

Jenn @therebelchick February 5, 2013 - 8:55 am

LOL Thanks for the laugh!

TerriAnn van Gosliga February 12, 2013 - 5:09 pm

You’re so welcome!

Rosey February 5, 2013 - 10:13 am

I bet this isn’t funny when you’re getting old. 🙂 K IDDING, and I love the quote. 🙂

TerriAnn van Gosliga February 12, 2013 - 5:10 pm

Haha, those I know that have dentures are generally pretty light-hearted about it. I hope I can laugh about it at that point too 🙂

Kelly @ A Girl Worth Saving February 6, 2013 - 12:36 pm

Ha! I needed a smile today 🙂

TerriAnn van Gosliga February 12, 2013 - 5:10 pm

We need them everyday 🙂

Brandy April 9, 2013 - 7:35 am

LOL love it!

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