Home Fun StuffTechnology Hands-On & Up-Close w/ Motorola Moto X at Google HQ, with Guy Kawasaki & Rick Osterloh #MeetMotoX

Hands-On & Up-Close w/ Motorola Moto X at Google HQ, with Guy Kawasaki & Rick Osterloh #MeetMotoX

by TerriAnn
Motorola Moto X MotoX Event at Google with Guy Kawasaki

Google / Motorola Moto X Debut with Guy Kawasaki & Rick Osterloh . . .


Last month, I had the hardest challenge ever as a blogger – to keep silent. Yes, I was under embargo and was not able to tell you about the AMAZING event I attended at the Google headquarters . . . until now. It was a very special gathering, one that wasn’t even supposed to exist. Our host for the evening? Guy Kawasaki, the second tech evangelist ever and the current Motorola cheerleader.

Motorola Moto X MotoX Event at Google with Guy Kawasaki

I was already giddy at the invitation to visit Google. So, of course, some obligatory photo ops were needed. The good stuff is coming so keep reading!

Motorola Moto X MotoX Event at Google with Guy Kawasaki

Upon entering the building, we were directed toward well-lit staircase with the attendees names on them. Seriously?! Yes, each stair had a moving marquee with a different guest’s name. Had our evening stopped there, I would be totally content. That wasn’t even the icing on the cake though.

Motorola Moto X MotoX Event at Google with Guy Kawasaki

After the 20-30 guests arrived, Guy Kawasaki opened the hush-hush presentation. He shared his love of smartphones, tech, and competition. No wonder his move to Motorola, now owned by Google, was a perfect fit. Guy was totally down-to-earth and quite fun to listen to. His silk Hawaiian shirt helped mellow out the occasion as well.

On a small table to his right, sat an (antique) Apple One. Guy explained that this new product would do for the mobile world what the Apple One did for the computer world.

Motorola Moto X MotoX Event at Google with Guy Kawasaki

Introducing the brand spankin’ new Moto X! Dom, dom, dom . . .

Motorola Moto X MotoX Event at Google with Guy Kawasaki

This is more than just a pretty face (and back). Rick Osterloh proceeded to share how this new smartphone is unlike any other. The main reason is that the Moto X is centered around you and me, the users. To make us happy, there were three main issues Motorola wanted to address:

  • Google
  • Responsive
  • Personal

Motorola Moto X MotoX Event at Google with Rick Osterloh

Up to this point, no other mobile phone has been able to tap into the monster engine we know as Google. However, Moto X will have Gmail and Chrome fully integrated – yay!

OK Google Now –Β With Moto X you can say, “OK Google Now”, even when its asleep to access a whole load of options. This touchless control allows you to talk, navigate, text, and more all without having to even look at the phone. There’s a 3-step training to tailor the phone to your voice so it can even be recognized with a lot of background noise or while driving.

X8 – New custom mobile computing system. This includes two processors, one for voice and one for OK Google Now. It’s fast, there’s no battery drain, and it’s tailored to your voice.

Active Display – The average person turns their phone on and off about sixty times per day. That’ usually just to check the time or see why it’s buzzing. The screen will just slightly turn on to show the clock and the app notification. It will then fade and remind you later.

Quick Capture – Twist the Moto X in your had two times and the camera app will launch. This takes 2 seconds from the time you take phone out of your pocket. The clear pixel camera provides fast shutter speed in bright light and, in low light, collects as much light as possible. You can even take photos while shooting video. All you need to do is tap the screen.

Design – Special curvature to fit the shape of your hand, based on 50% of the population that would be using it. 4.7″ screen reaches almost to the edge of the phone. When starting up the Moto X, there are only six icons to avoid the initial clutter other phones tend to have.

SKIP – 2-step authentication to bypass passwords to trusted devices.

Moto Maker – Personalize the phone using an online ordering tool. Choose the back color, front color, accent color, a signature (like @cookiesANDclogs), amount of memory, carrier, and if you want it pre-synced with your Google account. If you choose a carrier at the time of making your phone, the SIM card will already be included and turning it on will display, “Hello TerriAnn”. Well, mine will. Yours will have your own name. Matching accessories (such as those by SOL Republic) and clear case (with or without silicon edges) can also be added to the shopping cart. Each phone is tailor-made in the USA and will arrive at your door in four days or less. Black or white phones can be bought in-store or you can get a redemption card to complete a custom design at home.

The Moto X will cost $199 with a contract and will include two years of Google Drive. All carriers will be available. I was already drooling and my head was full of geeky facts. Now it was time to see and play with the phones!

Motorola Moto X MotoX Event at Google with Guy Kawasaki

I have to say, I was overwhelmed with excitement. I’ve been straddling the fence between iOS, Android, and Windows. Though I’m not a 100% Apple fan, I’ve still stuck with my iPhone because I haven’t found another mobile smartphone to make me totally replace it. Well, when my personalized Moto X arrives, that might all change. This. phone. is. so. COOL!

Will you be saying, “Hello, Moto X?”

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isis August 1, 2013 - 6:52 pm

Re: last photo – I guess I was in the wrong spot when this shot was taken. Should’ve stood right there with you! LOL

I’m excited to customize and receive my own Moto X!!!!

TerriAnn van Gosliga August 2, 2013 - 12:48 pm

Hahaha – I’m not sure about that. It was the only one the PR sent that had me in it…which is why I had to resort to using drawn-on arrows since it wasn’t the most flattering angle πŸ˜› I’m so glad you were able to attend too – it was a blast!

Jean Parks August 1, 2013 - 8:16 pm

Terri, I’ve always thought Moto built some iron horse tough devices, they were never the lightest on the market but they were rugged & reliable. I am eager to get my hands on what appears to be a slim, sexy phone filled with Google goodness.

Btw, I am thrilled you got to attend this event ( and green with envy;) it looks like it was epic!

TerriAnn van Gosliga August 2, 2013 - 12:47 pm

Oh, and sexy it is. I LOVE the colors you can choose from AND the fact that you can pre-order it w/ your email/twitter handle/name. Thank you so much. This was pretty exclusive and totally thanks to a lovely blogger that passed on several local bloggers’ names πŸ™‚ Guy was very specific that the even was totally secret until the launch date!

Sarah August 1, 2013 - 10:24 pm

That is so much fun! I love that the stair had your name on it, that is the coolest thing ever!

TerriAnn van Gosliga August 2, 2013 - 12:45 pm

I know – that was totally awesome! Wow, it really doesn’t take much to make us happy, does it?! πŸ˜› It was like tech stardom for a day.

Lisa from Life with Lisa August 2, 2013 - 2:36 am

Nice! My husband is a devoted Motorola user so he will be thrilled. I will have to wait for one to fall into my lap since I am not due an update for some time. Is the $199 with a 2-year contract?

TerriAnn van Gosliga August 2, 2013 - 12:44 pm

Oh? Now he can use Motorola AND be cool at the same time – πŸ˜› J/k. Yep, the price with w/ the contract. Verizon has a new service that let’s you upgrade more often if you’re a serious techie (after your current contract is up).

Onica {MommyFactor} August 2, 2013 - 3:27 am

Ok how cool to head to the Google office and meet Guy Kawasaki, I LOVE him. Very interesting info about the Moto X. Going to keep it on my radar.

TerriAnn van Gosliga August 2, 2013 - 12:43 pm

Yes, it was like I had to keep pinching myself to make sure it was actually happening! I should be getting my phone later this month so I’ll update w/ that review too πŸ™‚

Report from super secret Motorola phone launch at Google headquarters – Moto X | Escape From Cubicle Nation August 2, 2013 - 6:00 pm

[…] (photo courtesy of Motorola, and compiled by TerriAnn van Gosliga from Cookies and Clogs) […]

A Night With Guy Kawasaki And The Moto X #MeetMotoX - Bay Area Mommy August 3, 2013 - 2:28 am

[…] too amazing that I didn’t even think about taking a snapshot of it! So thanks to TerriAnn of Cookies and Clogs for this […]

Rosey August 4, 2013 - 10:12 am

Probably I’m one of the last people alive w/a Trac Phone, lol. The grown kids have their smart phones and I sometimes consider getting one just because they like to text… we’ll see. πŸ™‚ Glad you had a nice time.

TerriAnn van Gosliga August 5, 2013 - 9:07 am

A wha?? I even had to Google that πŸ˜› With new phones being so cheap (with a contract) it’s a nice time to upgrade. BTW, thank you!

Unleash the Moto X August 5, 2013 - 10:01 am

[…] This is just my first look at the Moto X and you can be sure I will be posting more as I get my hands on it!!! I appreciate Motorola bringing me out to Google to partake in this fabulous event!!! If you want to see what someone else thought of the even and the phone make sure you check out my friend TerriAnn’s great post on the event over at Cookies and Clogs! […]

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