Home Family Top Hot Weather Essentials for the Summer Season

Top Hot Weather Essentials for the Summer Season

by TerriAnn
Cookies & Clogs | Pick up these top hot weather essentials for the summer season. Love that there are so many CVS Health / CVS Pharmacy equivalent to save money without sacrificing quality.


The heat is just starting to pick up here in Northern California. It is definitely shaping up into a nice summer season! Winter clothes are getting put away, house fans are coming out, and we are gearing up for full days of family fun. Of course, there are a few extra items we needed to pick up in getting ready to soak in that summer sun.

Getting Ready for the Summer Season

To get ready for the summer season, I made a special trip to our local CVS/Pharmacy. I was able to get everything I needed (though I already had the sunglasses and towel pictured below). In most cases, I prefer getting store-brand items since these cost a bit less but don’t skimp on quality. Just so you know, CVS/Pharmacy items are now under the CVS Health brand name. So, labels and packaging might look different now.

Cookies & Clogs | Pick up these top hot weather essentials for the summer season. Love that there are so many CVS Health / CVS Pharmacy equivalent to save money without sacrificing quality.
More sun means more sun protection! Gone are the days of putting suntan oil on or going aú natural while sunbathing. (I mean without sunblock, not without a swimsuit.) No, we have sun damage and skin cancer to worry about. Not to mention that it ages you faster when your skin takes a beating from too much UVA/UVB. Use at least 30 SPF and make sure your reapply often. If you and the kids plan on playing in the water, a good wet/dry spray is super handy to have. Of course, if all that fails and the sun wins, you might want to keep some aftersun gel with aloe to soothe any sunburns. Poor Frans burns easily so we always have a small stockpile of this throughout the summer season.

You’ll also want to look for products specially-formulated for the delicate skin on your face. Frans and Munchkin sometimes break out with regular sunscreen. So, they now use the one I put on daily or use a Break Out Free formula. I have to use sun protection every day as I have a lot of freckles and don’t want them to increase or turn into age spots. If you’re not wearing any lipstick or lip gloss, lip balm with SPF protection will keep your kisser from burning.

Cookies & Clogs | Pick up these top hot weather essentials for the summer season. Love that there are so many CVS Health / CVS Pharmacy equivalent to save money without sacrificing quality.

Keeping Cool & Looking the Part for Summertime Fun

Hotter weather means capris, shorts, and swimsuits. Time to shave off that layer of hair that’s been accumulating. At home, I use Venus razors but I found this super cute Venus Snap razor to bring with me while traveling. I love how compact it is. Yet, I can use the same razor cartridges that go on my full-size handle (yes, I tried it out).

Cookies & Clogs | Pick up these top hot weather essentials for the summer season. Love that there are so many CVS Health / CVS Pharmacy equivalent to save money without sacrificing quality.

Shaving gel will aid in a smoother shave without having to hog the bathroom, while body lotion will keep your legs looking good. Of course, if you’d rather not deal with the up-keep or you want to tackle those *ahem* more private areas, hair removal cream and waxing kits are also options. To keep moisture locked in, a good moisturizing body wash is best for leg hair maintenance prep.

If you plan on going sleeveless, the above points also apply to under your arms. Speaking of that area, friends, family, and colleagues will appreciate extra diligence in using plenty of deodorant. Heat = sweat = odor. It’s a fact of life, especially if you have tweens or teens. It can make or break those summer season memories when people start distancing themselves due to the smell.

CVS — Your One-Stop Shop for the Summer Season

There are plenty of other fun summer supplies to shop for too. There were several aisles at CVS with items such as towels, beach mats, personal fans, water bottles (how cool is the infuser one?!), and flip-flops. It took me hours to decide what to get and what to, sadly, put back. But, since CVS has everything, it’s the perfect destination to get ready for the heat and the summertime fun. Now that you’re prepared, where will you be spending your carefree days of summer?

Cookies & Clogs | Pick up these top hot weather essentials for the summer season. Love that there are so many CVS Health / CVS Pharmacy equivalent to save money without sacrificing quality.

Disclosure: I’m proud to be working with CVS Pharmacy to help spread the word about how to #FindYourHealthy. All opinions expressed are my own, and all product claims or program details shared should be verified at CVS.com or with the appropriate manufacturers.

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